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Weight Loss Secrets and Tips From Around the Globe

Weight loss is something that everyone is interested in. Whether it’s losing a few pounds in time for the holidays or a new strategy to employ that will help get you down to a healthier overall weight, we’re all looking for answers to weight loss questions. Every culture seems to have its own approach when it comes to weight loss. By considering what other areas of the world are doing to stay svelte, valuable insights can often be made and new strategies employed. Here are a few weight loss secrets from around the world that you may want to keep in mind when slimming down.

Spicy Food

The food in Thailand is some of the spiciest in the world. According to professional nutritionists, the people of Thailand are on to something when eating spicy food in order to lose weight. Not only do hot peppers raise metabolism, but hot food also slows eating which is an excellent weight loss strategy.

Smaller Portions

In the U.K. supersizing options at McDonalds was discontinued after it accounted for less than 0.1% of sales. The British prefer smaller portions which is a great strategy for losing weight. A higher number of smaller meals eaten throughout the day, rather than a smaller number of large meals will help to lose those extra pounds.

Eating Out

A typical Polish person only spends about 5% of their budget on eating out whereas Americans spend 37% eating out. Eating out less will not only help you lose weight but it will also save money as well.

Eat Breakfast

It is estimated that 75% of Germans eat their breakfast daily compared to only 44% of Americans who eat their daily breakfast. Nutritionists site a recent British study that discovered if you haven’t eaten breakfast, your brain’s reward center will light up more vividly when you see a high calorie food making you more likely to indulge in foods that aren’t very good for you.

Hypnosis Weight Loss

Hypnosis weight loss is a recent trend in American salon and spa facilities that involve giving suggestions to the unconscious mind that will hopefully not only eliminate bad food or health habits that caused you to gain weight in the first place, but can also help to implement new healthier habits to help you lose the weight.

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