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novelty nail polish

Novelty Nail Polish Trends

Do you love the look of a fresh manicure? Would you like to spice this look up and don’t know exactly where to begin? Why not turn to some of the fun novelty nail polish trends?

Where can you get the ideas for your fresh new look? You could turn to beauty magazines or you can turn to the beauty experts at your favorite beauty salons. After all, these are the people who know what is in style in your particular area. These trained experts can give you the best pedicures in the area and tell you what is new… Continue reading

Amazing New Nail Polish - Check out how it works!

Are you tired of your nail polish not staying on longer than a few days? I know I was. I would get a great manicure and my nails would look amazing for a few days but with my hands in water and chemicals the polish would begin to chip. No matter what type of polish I used and how I cared for my nails, I always had an issue. But no more!

Last month we started carrying Creative Nails, Shellac Nail colors. It is as thin as polish but it is put on using a Ultraviolet lamp and the polish… Continue reading